Playlab Game Center

A video game museum promising visitors “infinite worlds to explore” through its own very subject matter—gaming. 

This gamified museum offers people an engaging escape from the ordinary, pulling the nostalgia of the past and the vision of the future together in an immersive learning experience.

Setting the stage for a rapidly evolving art and storytelling form.


One of the key elements of this brand was to be a holding vessel for a wide and colorful array of content—showing the entire spectrum of the video game industry and culture.

Bold gradients fit the mark for exclusively-Playlab branded materials and events, while clean blocks of color set the stage for the art and design of the exhibits to shine. 

The pixel graphics we kept simple as to not overwhelm the subject matter, and used them to toe the line between the future of gaming and a direct call to the medium’s early days, depending on where they’re needed.

When showing a creative practice that’s undergone such dramatic development in such a short period of time, we made it a priority to pick visual elements that could encompass them all.

Concept work for a student project.


Atelier Studio Box


Riron Sake Co.